Loveld NV was founded in 1985 on the site of Seghers Concrete in Aalter. Seghers Concrete was one of the pioneers of GRC production worldwide. Between 1985 and 1990 Loveld has completed several GRC project in Europe. Due to a decrease in demands of GRC products we stopped GRC production in 1990. In the recent years the demand for GRC products is again rising. Therefore Loveld decided in 2011 to start up again with the production of GRC. We secured in 2012 the contract for the manufacture of GRC cladding panels for a large prestiguous residential project in London. This project was completed succesfully in 2014.
Loveld has a motivated team capable of designing and manufacturing the most complex facade packages in GRC.
All our activities are carried out in accordance with international standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and are further approved by the GRCA manufacturers scheme.
Our goal is to satisfy all our customers and to produce the highest possible quality achievable.